6th Grade Geometry – Critical area?

Home Forums Questions about the standards K–6 Geometry 6th Grade Geometry – Critical area?

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    The geometry of grade 6 seems to be called out as a critical area for that grade level, as if it could be critical area #5, although it is not labeled as such. Could you clarify whether it should be considered a separate critical area? If so, why was it not labeled as such?

    Bill McCallum

    You have a sharp eye. Geometry in Grade 6 is, I think, a not-quite-critical area, and the grade level introduction reflects that ambiguity. I would also say that the statements of critical areas are really just attempts to summarize succinctly what is in that grade level. So they are not necessarily an indication of priorities about allocating time; there is no statement about which critical areas should receive more attention than others.

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